The Premier Health Insurance blog is constantly being updated with current and pressing topics, including Affordable Care Act changes, Open Enrollment dates, Medicare information, group health plan updates, as well as articles to help individuals and families get the best value for their hard-earned healthcare dollar.
The Facts on Fines for not Having Health Insurance
Published January 28, 2014 3171 Views
One of the most controversial aspects of the new healthcare system, involves the income fines that are set to be imposed on those who don't carry active coverage in 2014. Since media coverage of this has been spotty at best, we wanted to go over some of the real numbers and facts behind the fines a...
Making Changes to 2014 Health Insurance Plans
Published January 24, 2014 3693 Views
The Affordable Care Act, as most already know, has brought an entirely new set of rules to the US health insurance system. One of the most concerning, is also one that's not being talked about on the news with nearly enough urgency. If you purchased a new healthcare plan in 2014 it likely affects...
How to Ensure the Best Health Insurance Tax Subsidy
Published January 20, 2014 2688 Views
With Obamacare now in what appears to be a relatively steady groove, many are wondering whether or not they will qualify for government healthcare subsidies. Regardless of whether you love or loathe the idea of healthcare reform (we have our own opinions, too) it looks like it's here to stay. If y...
A Simple Way to for Business Owners to Lower their Group Health Insurance Premiums
Published January 15, 2014 2736 Views
While many businesses are enjoying a one-year grace period from the rate increases under Obamacare, it's important to remember that this is only temporary. Come October 2014, many hard working business owners and human resource directors will have some very tough decisions to make. Moreover, and d...
Blue Cross Blue Shield to Allow Renewal of Existing Health Insurance Plans
Published December 4, 2013 4390 Views
After close to six weeks of frustration, confusion and ongoing pressure on the Obama administration, the country's largest health insurance carrier, Blue Cross Blue Shield, announced this week that existing individual customers will, in fact, be able to renew their current healthcare coverage plans....
What People are Saying About Obamacare
Published October 28, 2013 3569 Views
Here are just a few of the Obamacare comments we found online. Regardless of where you stand on the health insurance issue, it's clear that many Americans feel thay have been lied to and mislead. "It is not a kink when people have their insurance cancelled and the replacement costs more and...
Avoiding Healthcare Marketplace Problems & Glitches
Published October 16, 2013 2779 Views
Now that we're two weeks into open enrollment for subsidized healthcare, many have found that the process is nowhere near as simple as it was touted. In light of countless comments from infuriated users, the process has been rife with frustration, based mainly on the many challenges that have been...
Will You Qualify for Affordable Care Health Benefits in IL?
Published September 19, 2013 3706 Views
The Affordable Care Act has left many wondering whether or not they will qualify for discount health insurance plans, though finding answers seems rife with confusion. With the news changing daily, it's no wonder why there's confusion over who qualifies, who doesn't, and how to go about getting sig...
Understanding the IL Health Insurance Exchange
Published September 11, 2013 3353 Views
Based on a concerning number of conversations we've had with our friends and colleagues, it's clear that there is still a frightening amount of confusion regarding how drastically the health care system is going to change. What was even more surprising, was that the majority of those we speak to ha...
Obamacare Delays Out-of-Pocket Maximums on Consumers
Published August 15, 2013 2956 Views
When the Obama administration announced that businesses would be given an additional year to prepare for the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, there was immediate blowback from scores of consumer groups seeking the same leeway. Sadly, the People will just have to wait. On August 13th, in a mov...
The Countdown to Subsidized Health Insurance
Published August 5, 2013 2740 Views
As the October 1st open registration for subsidized health insurance draws nearer, it's remarkable just how many people, both insured and uninsured alike, are still in the dark regarding the sweeping changes that are coming in 2014. From within the industry it is evident that health insurance compa...
How Universally-Affordable is Health Care Reform?
Published July 10, 2013 3523 Views
While still an Illinois Senator making his first bid for the white house, President Obama repeatedly ensured Americans that we could be a nation which provided universally-affordable health insurance to every citizen. Here we are six years later, at the cusp of enforcing the Affordable Care Act, an...
Obamacare Business Delays Until 2015
Published July 3, 2013 2749 Views
In a move that has brought temporary sighs of relief to many business owners, the US Treasury Department announced on Tuesday, that mandates forcing many small businesses to provide employee health insurance, will be delayed for one year. The decision to postpone many of the new healthcare law's pr...
Why Adding Dental Insurance in Chicago is Wise
Published May 31, 2013 2877 Views
Many people shy away from adding dental insurance to their policy, mainly out of fear that it will send their premiums through the proverbial roof. Not true. In fact, dental coverage is actually among the most inexpensive options when it comes to health insurance available. Here are just a han...
Choosing IL Health Insurance for New Employees
Published May 9, 2013 3120 Views
The moment you add employees to your company, you're taking a big step in the world of entrepreneurship. If you intend on keeping them for any length of time, you will probably want to offer them a health insurance plan they can have faith in. This lends the question of which plan to choose, and w...
Will my IL Health Insurance plan Cover Pregnancy?
Published April 12, 2013 3089 Views
Having a baby in the 21st century is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. From prenatal care and tests, to delivery room costs and care after delivery, it is one of the most common and expensive medical procedures a person can undergo. Getting into the actual numbers is a bit tricky, bec...
Will my Health Insurance Health Insurance Premiums Go Up in 2014?
Published March 25, 2013 5817 Views
If there is one question on the minds of those who purchase IL health insurance, it is whether or not to expect a rate hike in 2014. Sadly, there isn't much good news here. If you currently pay for your health insurance, even if you have been paying for it consistently for many years, there isn't...
Does Health Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?
Published March 11, 2013 3004 Views
For millions, chiropractors are a total Godsend. Here at our Chicago health insurance agency, we are often asked a diverse spectrum of questions; one of the most common, as you might expect, is: "Is chiropractic care covered by health insurance?" The short answer is, maybe. Let's explain. When wo...
Illinois HRA - Health Retirement Accounts
Published February 28, 2013 4464 Views
It's certainly no secret that the cost of health care in the United States has soared since the onset of the Affordable Care Act. If you're like many small business owners, you've likely felt first-hand the costly impact this can have on your business' bottom line. Medical health claims are at all-t...
Short-Term & Temporary Health Insurance in IL
Published February 12, 2013 3004 Views
Life has a cruel and somewhat ironic way of waiting until we are at our most vulnerable point before unleashing its most devastating events. This is especially true in the case of those who undergo catastrophic, unexpected health issues while riding out a gap in their health insurance coverage. A...
Choosing Whole Life or Term Life Insurance
Published January 17, 2013 3051 Views
If you're like many people, you probably don't spend a lot to time thinking about issues such as life insurance, mortality or funeral expenses. In a way, this is ironic. Nearly two-thirds of the county is considered overweight, with an estimated 33% falling into the category of clinically obese. The...
Purchasing You Own Health Insurance in Chicago
Published December 7, 2012 3207 Views
It's been statistically proven that a reputable health insurance plan is one of the most effective ways to attract and retain the most qualified employees. With Chicago being such a competitive market, choosing the right IL healthcare plan for your business is a decision you should not take lightly....
Why Short-Term Health Insurance in Chicago?
Published December 5, 2012 3027 Views
Life has a cruel and somewhat ironic way of waiting until we are at our most vulnerable point before unleashing its most devastating events. This is especially true in the case of those who undergo catastrophic, unexpected health issues while riding out a gap in their health insurance coverage. W...
Lower Your Health Insurance with Healthy Living
Published December 3, 2012 3006 Views
Those of us in the healthcare coverage industry, are the first to admit that health insurance is not cheap. And while there are many reasons for this, one of the most influential involves the staggering amount of people who have essentially given up on their good health. It's easy to think that one...
Choosing an IL Group Health Insurance Plan
Published November 26, 2012 3044 Views
Choosing the best small group coverage is a dilemma that almost every new Chicago business owner will have to face at some point. You want a plan that meets the wide-ranging needs of your staff, as well as one that won't make it impossible to turn a profit each month. Here are a few things to keep...
Why Consider an IL Health Insurance Broker
Published November 19, 2012 4790 Views
There seems to be a lot of misinformation and confusion out there when it comes to working with health insurance agents. In this article we will discuss the role of a health insurance agent (or health broker), what to look for when choosing an agent, and what to expect when you talk or meet for the...
What is Long Term Care Insurance?
Published November 16, 2012 3156 Views
Approximately 1 in 4 adults will need long term care in Illinois. Are your loved ones protected? Let's face it; no one looks forward to the day when they will rely on someone else to take care of them. It is arguably one of the most difficult decisions any person will ever have to make. When t...
Common Health Insurance Misconceptions
Published November 14, 2012 2986 Views
It's no secret that health insurance can be quite complicated, especially when buying it for the first time. Even as a health insurance broker, keeping up with all the new regulations, rule, policy changes, and stipulations can be mentally-overwhelming. And as with anything that has potential to b...
Illinois Employee Health Benefits: Group or Individual?
Published November 7, 2012 5217 Views
Business owners know all too well how expensive it can be, to provide employees with reliable, affordable health insurance in Chicago. For as long as there has been employee benefits, those who offer it to their employees have been looking for ways to reduce their monthly health care premiums. Tra...
Choosing Health Insurance After Getting Married or Divorced
Published November 2, 2012 2979 Views
Getting married, or even divorced for that matter, is clearly one of life's greatest game changing events. And regardless of whether you're entering into a new arrangement or parting ways, the ensuing changes will have a significant impact on almost every aspect of your day-to-day life. One area t...