The Premier Health Insurance blog is constantly being updated with current and pressing topics, including Affordable Care Act changes, Open Enrollment dates, Medicare information, group health plan updates, as well as articles to help individuals and families get the best value for their hard-earned healthcare dollar.

Extended Office Hours on Last Day of Open Enrollment

Extended Office Hours on Last Day of Open Enrollment

Published February 11, 2015 2345 Views

With the close of the 2015 open enrollment just a few days away, Premier would like to extend a special invitation to those who need last-minute assistance signing up for Illinois health insurance.  On Sunday February 15th, our Lisle office will remain open until 9:00 that evening.  If you've been p...

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As 2015 Open Enrollment Draws to a Close

Published January 27, 2015 2332 Views

With less than three weeks left in the 2015 health insurance open enrollment, it's clear that many people still have lots of questions and concerns when it comes to deciding which coverage is best for their unique situation.  In this article we wanted to go over some of the most frequently asked que...

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Ensuring Your Medical Insurance is Active on the 1st of the Month

Ensuring Your Medical Insurance is Active on the 1st of the Month

Published December 10, 2014 2282 Views

With the 2015 open enrollment period in full stride, scores of Illinois residents are learning a hard lesson about how the new system of health insurance works.  Actually, this particular aspect is not quite that new.  But in light of how new the concept of open enrollment is to the general public,...

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Health Insurance Renewal Notices & Premium Increases

Published December 2, 2014 2588 Views

During the time leading up to open enrollment, thousands of individuals and families received notices informing them of their options for 2015 health insurance.  At face value it's pretty simple: If you like your existing plan, keep it and do nothing.  If you don't, you have the freedom to select a...

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The Facts About Health Insurance Premiums

Published November 26, 2014 2720 Views

One of the most misunderstood aspects of buying health insurance under the new laws, is whether or not it is possible to get rates that are cheaper from one source to another.  Many are under the impression that dealing directly with the carrier will ensure the lowest premiums, while others have bee...

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7 Reasons to Call a Health Insurance Broker During Open Enrollment

7 Reasons to Call a Health Insurance Broker During Open Enrollment

Published November 18, 2014 2885 Views

Even if you're among the most computer-savvy, signing up for health insurance online can be a little intimidating.  The system is essentially brand new to everyone, and this can increase the time that it takes to ensure that your plan is accurate and befitting of your real healthcare needs. We've...

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Answers to IL Open Enrollment Questions

Published November 5, 2014 2683 Views

With the 2014-2015 IL open enrollment period upon us, we understand that many residents still have a lot of questions on what it is, how to sign up, and what's covered.  Here are some of the most commonly asked questions that we're hearing at our agency about health insurance open enrollment.  Qu...

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Problems with Payroll Company Group Health Insurance

Published October 30, 2014 2485 Views

As many businesses eventually find out, hiring a payroll company to provide and manage your group health plan isn't always as good a decision as it originally seemed.  Yes, it might sound convenient to bundle your payroll and employee health benefits, but the simple reality is that there are too man...

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Avoiding Costly Mistakes on Health Insurance Enrollment

Published October 24, 2014 2623 Views

As many families and individuals found out last year, making even the most simple mistake when signing up for health insurance can be costly, stressful and surprisingly time consuming.  The process of shopping for healthcare coverage has changed drastically since the advent of the Affordable Care Ac...

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Humana to Cancel Many Existing Health Insurance Plans

Humana to Cancel Many Existing Health Insurance Plans

Published October 7, 2014 4703 Views

Many Humana health insurance policyholders are going to be in for quite a shock, as they learn that their plan will be cancelled at the end of the year.  Notices have been going out to an untold number of Humana's customers, informing them that their health plan would be terminated after December 31...

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Using Combination Plans to Lower Group Health Premiums

Using Combination Plans to Lower Group Health Premiums

Published October 2, 2014 3121 Views

Healthcare reform, as virtually every US citizen knows, has initiated a seemingly endless series of changes to the process of shopping for health insurance.  And it should come as no surprise that businesses offering health plans, continue to be among the groups most significantly affected by the Af...

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How Healthcare Reform Affects Different Business Sizes

Published September 25, 2014 2340 Views

There has been a great deal of speculation over how businesses, based specifically on their size, will be affected by the Affordable Care Act.  Among the most pressing issues, businesses want to know how their rates are being determined, their obligation to offer a group health plan, and how much fr...

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Health Insurance Agents Can Make Healthcare Reform Easier

Published September 19, 2014 2796 Views

As the November 2015 healthcare open enrollment inches ever closer, the diversity of questions we hear at our agency continues to evolve.  Individuals and families are concerned about things like premium increases, tax credits and potentially having to renew policies they recently purchased.  At the...

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What if You Can't Afford Health Insurance?

What if You Can't Afford Health Insurance?

Published September 17, 2014 2832 Views

If you're wondering how you're going to be able to afford health insurance this year, you're certainly not alone.  Healthcare reform has resulted in ongoing premium increases since its inception, and there's really no way to tell where the cap is at this point.  One of the groups affected most by th...

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How to Apply for Health Insurance in 2015

Published September 10, 2014 2693 Views

With summer on its way out, many people have been giving more thought to the upcoming open enrollment and process of applying for health insurance coverage .  Are the rules the same as they were last year?  Have new rules been added over the summer?  Do I enroll online, in person, over the phone?  A...

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6 Reasons to Consider an HSA for Group Medical Benefits

6 Reasons to Consider an HSA for Group Medical Benefits

Published September 4, 2014 2299 Views

As business owners continue to deal with the sticker shock of their 2015 group health insurance renewals, many are looking for ways to continue offering their staff medical benefits that are affordable, easy to understand and generous in coverage.  And as many have discovered, Health Savings Account...

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Is Your Group Health Renewal More Expensive than Expected?

Published August 26, 2014 2843 Views

With many companies now receiving their group health insurance renewals, more and more businesses are experiencing the sticker shock that industry insiders have been forecasting since the passing of the Affordable Care Act.  And while some of these increases are on the modest side, just as many seem...

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Managing HR Documents Under the Affordable Care Act

Published August 22, 2014 2204 Views

One of the most common complaints we hear about the new healthcare reform laws, is the massive influx of human resource documents that businesses are now required to provide.  Aside from knowing which ones are needed and filling them out properly, the mere act of finding the most current and legally...

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Benefits of Self-Insured Level-Funded Group Health Insurance

Benefits of Self-Insured Level-Funded Group Health Insurance

Published August 13, 2014 4226 Views

As we approach the start of the 2015 open enrollment period, more businesses are wondering what they can do to help reduce their group health premiums, while still providing reliable coverage to their employees.  For a growing number of companies, level-funded self-insured health plans continue to s...

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Options for Group Health Insurance Plan Renewal

Published August 6, 2014 2545 Views

As companies across the US begin the process of preparing for open enrollment, many business owners and HR departments are still unsure of what will happen come November.  In the spirit of helping those charged with the task of choosing or renewing a group health plan, we thought that this would be...

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Buying Short-Term Health Insurance Prior to Open Enrollment

Published July 29, 2014 2646 Views

We've heard from many individuals who, for any number of reasons, found themselves unable to purchase health insurance before open enrollment closed this past March.  Ultimately this resulted in many people having to either pay cash for doctor and hospital visits, or simply take their chances in the...

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Working with Health Insurance Agents Who Offer HR Services

Published June 17, 2014 2680 Views

As many business owners are discovering, it's important that their health insurance agent have knowledge on Healthcare Reform that extends far beyond the morning news.  The new regulations regarding issues such as documentation, healthcare tax, compliance mandates, and others are constantly changing...

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Reviewing Your Group Plan Before Open Enrollment

Published May 20, 2014 2850 Views

If you own or manage a business that offers employee health insurance, the stretch of time between now and November is more important than you might realize.  Under the new system of healthcare reform, many businesses are under the impression that there's nothing they can do about their premiums, an...

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Making Changes to Your Health Insurance Plan

Published May 6, 2014 2451 Views

With summer fast approaching, many people will be making some rather significant changes to their lives.  Whether it's walking down the aisle, welcoming a new baby into your home or accepting that new job, one thing that must be taken into consideration is how your health insurance needs will also c...

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Health Insurance Options During Closed Enrollment

Published April 23, 2014 2736 Views

Now that the April 1st healthcare deadline has come and gone, it's understandable that there are many out there who still need coverage.  Whether you weren't in a financial position to buy a health insurance plan, were unable to qualify for a subsidy, or deliberately decided to take the tax penalty...

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What If You Missed the Health Insurance Deadline?

What If You Missed the Health Insurance Deadline?

Published April 2, 2014 2854 Views

There has been great debate over the past few days, regarding what happens if you fail to buy health insurance by the stated March 31 cutoff date.  For many, it was a matter of not being able to get through to the website, being stuck in a virtual waiting room, or not finding the answ...

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Two Very Important Health Insurance Deadlines Approaching

Two Very Important Health Insurance Deadlines Approaching

Published March 13, 2014 2896 Views

While, for many, March has become synonymous with green beer and college basketball tournament brackets, there's a pressing issue at hand that everyone needs to make themselves aware of.   March Deadlines for 2014 Medical Insurance Anyone who has been shopping for health insurance over the pas...

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An Easy Way to Lower Your Health Insurance Premiums

Published February 28, 2014 2945 Views

For those who are not in a financial position to apply for a healthcare subsidy, or get a reduced premium under Obamacare, there has been no shortage of health insurance sticker shock.  Individuals and families from all over Illinois have seen rate increases ranging from moderate to jaw-dropping, an...

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Obamacare Qualifications: Medicaid or Healthcare Subsidy?

Obamacare Qualifications: Medicaid or Healthcare Subsidy?

Published February 19, 2014 5971 Views

While enrollment in the Affordable Care Act continues to gradually increase, there are still many aspects which have people unsure on how to proceed.  Among the most universal, is whether or not an individual or family will qualify for a health insurance subsidy, of if they will be eligible for Medi...

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2014 IL Health Insurance Open Enrollment

2014 IL Health Insurance Open Enrollment

Published February 11, 2014 3227 Views

If you're new to buying health insurance on your own, or even if you're among the more healthcare savvy, you've probably heard the term open enrollment period being used in excess lately.   In short, open enrollment represents the time when new plans can be purchased, as well as when existing plans...

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Since 2003 Premier has been offering the most diverse selection of IL health insurance plans and coverage options. Speak with one of our agents or get a free quote!