

The benefits provided under healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act will impart sweeping changes to the way Americans buy and use health insurance.  Whether you're an individual, a family, a business, disabled, a medicare recipient or other, shopping for IL health coverage will be a completely new process going forward.

An Overview of Changes to the US Healthcare System

Here are just a few of the major changes to be expected, when subsidized healthcare the Affordable Care Act are fully implemented and active.

  • The Affordable Care Act and all pertaining benefits will go into effect on January 1st 2014,   After this day, anyone who has purchased coverage from the Illinois Health Insurance Exchange will be able to utilize said benefits.
  • The IL health insurance exchange will open on October 1st 2013.
  • Once rolled-out, it will be impossible to be turned down for health insurance coverage, just as health insurance carriers will no longer have the option of denying claims applications.
  • Obamacare will shift the emphasis of Medicaid, to exclusively cover the lowest income families and individuals, in addition to non-disabled adults without children.
  • Per the nature of the Affordable Care Act, the insurance companies & carriers will no longer be able to cancel a policyholder's coverage when they become ill or injured.
  • Insurance companies will be required, after Jan 1st 2014 to cover free preventive care services.   
  • Premiums can no longer be established based on a person/family's gender or health condition.
  • In an effort to assist small businesses in offering quality health care benefits to their employees, the government is proposed to offer a number of Small Business tax credits.

If you have more questions on signing up for IL health insurance exchange benefits, but are unsure on where to begin, Premier can help you with all your Obamacare-related issues.  Call us today at 800-369-0287.

Since 2003 Premier has been offering the most diverse selection of IL health insurance plans and coverage options. Speak with one of our agents or get a free quote!