At Premier, we understand what an influential role human resources plays in managing your company's group health plan. From managing new hire forms and employee enrollment, to ensuring that you're compliant under the constantly-evolving healthcare reform laws, there's no end to the HR responsibilities facing today's business.
Premier is one of the few Chicagoland health insurance agencies to offer complementary full-service Human Resource services to our group clients. We have made substantial investments in our HR services, to help make managing your employee health benefits more expedited, accurate and stress-free.
HR Forms & Documents
Our clients have access to complete database of current, accurate HR documents at their fingertips, thus eliminating the need to search the internet for forms that may or may not be compliant under the healthcare reform laws. All documents are legal-verified and written by HR specialists. READ MORE
Employee Handbooks
Creating a New Hire Employee Handbook, or having one created professionally, can be a grueling task. In addition to the time needed writing and proofing it, there's also the process of verifying its legal accuracy. We offer free, customized Employee Handbooks to make your job easier. READ MORE
Healthcare Reform & Compliance
Recent surveys have shown that a staggering number of businesses are unsatisfied with how their agents keep them informed on important healthcare reform updates. At Premier, one of our core focuses is keeping you up-to-date on any industry changes that directly affect your business. READ MORE
Administrative HR Support
Whether it's assisting with new or pending claims, mailing COBRA notifications or simply taking time, tracking down ID cards or dealing with carriers, Premier's agents go above and beyond the call to assist in all HR/health insurance related matters.
Employee Wellness Campaigns
There's no arguing the role Wellness Campaigns play in lowering premiums, reducing sick days and minimizing lost productivity. From town hall meetings with our staff nutritionist, to our state of the art integrated HR portal, we're taking employee wellness development to all new levels.
Online HR Support
Few other health insurance agencies offer free Employee Benefits chat support, but that's something that comes standard when you work with Premier. Answers to your HR questions are just a few clicks away, and available at no additional cost to you as one of our clients.
Affordable Payroll Services
Managing your company payroll can be a tidious, time-consuming task that takes your HR staff away from other important responsibilites. At Premier, we're proud to offer affordable business payroll services, allowing you to stay productive, timely and more profitable.